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Sunday 7th Loaded the Awning in the M.Benz on Sunday afternoon with The Wad and headed off to the Billown circuit in Castletown to nab a good spot in the Paddock wanted to get in a corner somewhere, as near to the road as possible so as to keep on the minimum amount of grass and to be able to tie the Awning down using some of the posts in the field managed to this and as there was only a slight breeze blowing we had it up 'toute suite' even had some second hand sheets of plywood down an that, and it was looking all 'factory' then it was off back to Peel to load the bikes and the rest of the kit in the van Ready for the off. Then it was back down to Castletown Football Clubhouse in me rust bucket of a car to sign on, lap of the course, briefing etc etc etc As always, have set myself targets for this meeting, and again, the first one is to stay on the bastard, and the other two, which won't be easy but you have to aim high, as they say is to be the best Newcomer in my class, and to try and join the exclusive 'ton up club' by lapping the course at an average of 100mph This equates to a 2 minute 33.0 second lap. I've never fancied the place to be honest, but I need the experience and its me Team Managers local track and he loves the place apparently it's one of the hardest road races you can do no time for a rest, and balls out all the way round a lot harder than doing the TT course apparently mmmmmmmm. I'd been down circulating the course the week before on the Road & Track Motorcycles R6 Yamaha for quite a few laps and hoped that I had a pretty good idea on where I was going, though it is a different track when you can use the whole road But now the time had arrived to have a go for real oooeerrr missus. Monday Night 8th Arrived at the circuit in what I hoped would be plenty of time, as it had been straight from work, should have really thrown some holidays in, but a bit late now, so started earlier and finished earlier than normal Top Spannerman, The Wad, and Team Manager, Chris, met me there and we unloaded the van, But left No 2 bike in it as I have decided to just concentrate of setting my No1 bike up hard enough doing one, never mind two Also had another Spannerman coming in the shape of fellow Jurby regular Stu Bainborough so hoped that between myself and the gruesome twosome, we would have it sorted The weather looked like it was going to hold up, although there was a few dodgy looking clouds up there fingers crossed that it would stay dry because if it didn't my arse might go 'pop' and I would have to seriously consider if I would go out in it. Current circuit lap record holder, Blair Degerholm, came to see me and I had a word on him about suspension, and he told me to back things off, there are that many settings its unbelievable and I'm running a Penske rear shock on my No1 bike, which aren't that popular (probably because they're the most expensive), so I told him that I had backed everything off about 4 turns (clicks) each High speed damping, slow speed damping, compression and rebound damping still can't get my head round most of it anyway, I don't think Blair realised how hard I usually have the rear shock and these minor adjustments would to prove pretty scary later on but he did say that the bike will be slapping all the way round and just to get on with it mmmmmmmm again. Got the bike, fettled (so I thought) and the boys put it through scrutineering, then it was on to the holding area I decided to leave the tyres I had on from my previous outing, so as to keep my head in check I thought that with already worn rubber on (the rear had done 60 laps at Oulton and Jurby), it would help keep me to a sedate enough pace and help me learn the track instead of going hell for leather and jumping off somewhere also wasn't going to use my tyre warmers, which would force me to have a couple of slowish laps to get them up to temperature have to remind myself how little roads experience I've done but I was still planning on going 'pretty handy, like' Was a tad worried on the gearing of the bike, as most people have told me it was what you use at the TT, only go one tooth extra up on the back sprocket but I went with what Jason Griffiths had told me, which was completely different, but Jason being Top Man around this circuit if he didn't know, who would I had my fingers crossed that it would suit me The first 8 minutes
of the first practise session was going to be untimed, and then for the
last 10 minutes they stick a board out to indicate a timed session is
in progress
lets you know to get your finger out an that
Lined up for my practise session, for the Senior Race, in my snazzy orange
Newcomers bib
was gutted, feel like a proper herbert with
one of those on
(was held for an extra ten minutes than
we should have been in the holding area, must have been an incident in
the classics practise somewhere)
was probably one of
the first 5 out on the road, had the lap timer on the bike up and running,
and Chris had the timer beacon with him so I could have a looksee at how
I was doing
had to do one complete lap before I tripped it
and into the second lap I upped the pace a tad
the bike and
gearing felt good up until I got to Ballanorris (Joey's Gate)
where there, and after Ballabeg, all the way to cross four ways it was
trying to have me off
I was getting chucked around all over
the place every lap, and it was friggin scary to tell you the truth
on about the third lap, as it was happening again, I was thinking
if this is what its like doing the Manx GP, then you can shove it up your
Dave Black came over to see me and I explained that I was struggling he told me to back everything off and just run on the coil spring on the rear shock for the next session, to see how that went, that meant instead of going down 2 clicks on all the settings at a time it was approx 22 in the one go checked the sag as well, refuelled, and it was back through scrutineering for the 600 race practise wasn't long before I was back on the circuit, and straight away I noticed that the steering was a lot slower, bloody thing just didn't want to turn as easy as it did bollocks something else to combat. Was still be extra cautious, as this was still a learning curve Out the back of the course though, it was a lot better it soaked up the bumps more and I managed to knock 4 seconds off my lap time, which went down to a 2'40.1, only 7 seconds away from the magic mark of 2'33.0 though those 7 seconds won't be easy to find, I know I can knock a few off, by getting on the throttle earlier and braking later but that'll come hopefully still have to get the suspension right, otherwise I'll be pissing against the proverbial wind Blacker adjusted my rear rebound damping another couple of clicks and said to try that so I was gonna Had to go through scrutineering again, for my last session, again for the Senior race and was hoping this time to get into the 39's or 38's but unfortunately, only managed one flying lap as my visor misted up and sweat ran into my right eye and I couldn't see properly so toured back to the pits, noticed that there was a big crowd out watching checked the old lap timer and I had managed another 2'40.6 but was hoping for better But I was not messing about between stone walls when I can't see properly Pulled in and let the bike cool down so, only 14 laps in total, know that I can go much faster, just have to have the bike handling a lot better decided on putting a new rear tyre in, left the front as it was, as it should be ok. Packed everything up, and went to find Dave East, the bloke who was straightening my wheels as he had brought them back over with him turns out the wheels were 'Bob on', it was the discs that were dodgy and as I had put my second hand discs on and I still had the handling problem, I thought it must be the wheel, but those disc were also warped treats. Anyway, ready for tomorrow (ish) Home, shower Zeds ZZZZZzzzzzz Tuesday 9th The sun was shining and for a change it looked like it was going to be a top night hardly a breath of wind, Before I arrived in the paddock, thought that I would give the boys at V&M a ring seeing as how I'm a 'factory' rider (I wish) and spoke to their head race mechanic, Paul, who couldn't have been more helpful he gave me all the suspension settings, ride height, front and rear sag measurements (new one on me) etc etc that Jim Moodie had used to win the Junior TT if its good enough for Jimbo, its good enough for me got the bike out of the van, and me and the Wad set about adding all these settings to the bike, loads of clicks here, there and everywhere and we soon had it done, (as close as we could get anyway) Then the Wad in his wisdom, decided to change the 'Steam Packet' sticker on the front of my bike to 'Steam Racket', after I had whinged to him about having to run it They have refused twice to help me out on sailings, and I venture across the wet bit more than most, so I was under protest about having to run it on my bike they might sponsor the meeting, but they don't sponsor me funny how you never seem to get a ticket for the price they advertise on the radio either you all know where I'm coming from. Stu turned up, and he and the Wad put the bike through scrutineering again was first out tonight at around 6-15pm was gonna try and stand on the pegs this time around the back of the circuit on the bumpy parts went handy enough like, straight from the off, but unfortunately it was shaking its head pretty badly again, and it was sending a wobble all the way through the bike, especially on the bumpy part through Williams Bend this making it really difficult to change direction not too handy that then this was forcing me to hold on tighter and the dreaded arm pump reared its ugly head again noticed the lap timer had indicated in the 2'39 bracket for two laps, but knowing that I wouldn't go quicker, decided to pull in I was thinking that it must be my steering damper that was set too tight and it was upsetting the handling, so I knocked it back a couple of clicks as soon as I got back to the Awning. Only managed 4 laps and I was really knackered, hard work again that, and because the weather was so warm and very little wind (unusually) I was cooked the 'team' got the necessary jobs done and it was back down to scrutineering, this time taking the Jenny and tyre warmers with them, I know we get a warm up lap, but it was one less thing to worry about left it in the holding area to get up to temperature. Got ready and returned
to the bike, noticed a sticker saying 'row 6 centre', as I had 'qualified'
18th on the grid
not bad out of about 40, happy enough with
settled on the dummy grid and then it was off for the
warm up lap
decided against wearing my orange Newcomers Bib,
I asked did I have to wear it and they said if I didn't want to I didn't
have to
so that was binned
got to my spot and
we weren't held that long, lights changed to green and we were offski
this was the moment I was dreading the most
the first 2 corners,
where 40 odd bikes would be vying for position
the sun was
pretty blinding, I got a good start, but somebody on a big Ducati 996,
bogged down in front of me and I had to roll the throttle
lost the places I had made up, but at first corner
went around the outside of a few and made a couple back
down to the Iron Gate The bike was indicating 116 C so Stu pushed it back to the Awning, the whole team was chuffed and we left the bike to cool down and later on loaded everything back in the van. Happy with today's events, a podium, a new PB and still know I can go loads quicker if I can get the handling sorted Then it was home, shower, bed ready for tomorrow Wednesday 10th Left work and arrived at the paddock as early as I could, the Wad was already there so we unloaded the bike and set about doing the necessary wanted to try different brake discs for tonight as my ones have had the rivets 'popped' which makes them rattle on the rotors and you would think there was something wrong with them but not so, its something V&M do to them but I wanted to try 'solid' ones to see if I could minimise the way the pads were getting pushed back. Changed the compression damping another click as I was sure the forks were bottoming out, cleaned the front pads up and the Wad put the bike through scrutineering, before hand changing the sticker on the front of the bike back to 'Packet' Wad said as soon as he got there he was swarmed by scrutineers and he got a semi bollocking word sure travels fast! Stu turned up again as soon as he could and we were all ready to go Was only out on the track once again tonight, and that was in the Total Oils Senior Race (Race 3 in the programme) which was first out on the track again unfortunately for me there was no 600 class in this one, it was just an open race, so it was a case using it for extra practise. Was again on the 6th
row of the grid this time on the right hand side of the road
the weather was nice again though slightly overcast, but it was ideal
for racing
less flies about when its like that
Lights went from red to green and we were off again
you can
see how the leaders pull such a huge gap on the first lap because I had
to roll the throttle all the way up to Ballakeighan Corner after initially
getting another good start
got good drive out and passed a
few, but it was the same old story of follow my leader after Ballabeg
and beyond
was getting held up quite a bit but still
managed to pass a couple and was settling in nicely
was having
a dice with Phil Gilder and was up to 13th place, which was pretty good
and then approaching Ballakeighan for the 5th time was in two minds about
trying a pass, which left my braking later than I wanted
if it had been a short circuit I would have tipped her in, but after seeing
Duckett and McFarland come to grief there yesterday decided on the safe
option of the slip road
Bollocks!! The first thought
on my mind was that Lougher was now going to catch me on the road before
the finish
as he was only about 5 seconds away from catching
me yesterday
hoped I'd get back before I lost a place but lost
at least six
had to do a 6 point turn to
get the bike facing in the right direction, then had to wait as some bikes
went past, recognised three of them, John Crellin, Chris Dowling and Paul
'Big 'H' Hunt
(was wondering what the hell 'H' was doing back
that far, turns out he did the same as me)
past Dowling straight
away and nipped past Crellin before the Iron Gate, was concentrating on
getting good drive out of corners, more than using short circuit type
out braking manoeuvres to get past people, most of these boys have more
experience round here than me
but passed another at
Cross Four Ways
past Big 'H' as he toured towards the
pits and caught up with another local, Mike Crellin on his R1
he had the legs on me on the straights but I reeled him in out round the
back section even though bike was still more unsettled over the bumps
than I would have liked and was completely airborne at Billown Dip which
sent me into a wiggle every lap
sat in behind him and just
followed him around
couldn't see anyone in front of us, so
decided on just sitting there and have a go on the last lap for that extra
The gruesome twosome set about the bike getting it ready for tomorrow, put new tyres on it etc etc and after it cooled down we lashed it in the back of the van. Went down to the Shore for a couple of halves, then it was back home, shower, bed ZZZZZZzzzzz Thursday 11th July Took the day off from work today as the racing was in the afternoon, as well as the boys from Pulrose Power Station (work), on their annual pilgrimage to Castletown, who said they'd be hanging off a wall somewhere cheering me on then on to the presentation afterwards to get very very drunk well, they picked a good day for it as it was well hot nice one left Peel in the van on me own, and got to the Awning in the paddock just after 11am Chris was first there and had 'opened up' so to speak damn handy that we haven't had to put the bloody thing up every day, we've had it pretty well anchored down and Chris had checked it every day, but it had stood up well, windy old spot down at Billown but not today it seems. Then Wad turned up a few minutes later and Stuey just after twelve so we got the necessary done and out of the way bike through scrutineering and into the holding area, and tyre warmers on the new rubber, (I was using soft compound front and rear tyres this time) I was only out on the track once today and that just happened to be in the first race which was the 10 lap 250/600cc Race, I know I had finished 3rd in class in the Senior Founders Race, but this one was going to be so much harder with the top boys like Lougher, Farquhar, Griffiths etc etc using smaller machines this time My target for the day was a top ten spot but still wanted to hit the targets I had set myself by being best Newcomer (in my class) and hit that ton up lap no excuses about the weather hindering proceedings so I'd have to get my finger out. The race was scheduled
for 1-40pm, but we had to be at the bike in the holding area 15 minutes
earlier, so got myself ready and had a few stretches
the boys
had the bike warmed up ready and it was tyre warmers off and we were ushered
to the dummy grid area
then it was off for the warm up lap
Gave Chris the nod on the way past and tootled round the circuit, was
getting a few waves from people that I knew, as I had time to see them,
and spotted the Power Station crew at Castletown Corner
miss em really. Lined up on my spot on the fourth row of the grid in the
middle and waited for the lights to turn green
soon did and we were off
not a bad start, was a little worried
when Chris Palmer clouted the bike in front of me and bounced off, lucky
they didn't have each other off
again, there was that
many bikes vying for position I just had to roll the throttle
it must be ace being at the front and you can keep the power on for longer
its all about a good start this racing lark
rounded the first
corner okay and screaming down to the iron gate, made up a couple of places
and was up to about 8th
still the first lap, as always, is
the slowest one because of all the traffic and it's the one I don't like
as it is all follow my leader and you have to trust that the bloke in
front of you doesn't crash, cos you are just following his back wheel,
and if he went down in front of you there would be nowhere to go and there
would be loads of riders piling in before the marshals could even raise
a flag
unfortunately its happened before
the first
lap is always a bit of a worry, but cautious, as reflected in the lap
times, crossing the line for the second lap could see that it was Chris
Palmer and Big 'H' ahead of me and passing Team Manager, Chris, who had
my lap timer beacon it said 2'46.34 just shows you how the leaders can
pull 15 or so seconds out of you on the first lap
the bike
was still wobbling all over the shop, much more than I would have liked
again, and I was wishing I had knocked the steering damper back another
notch or two, couldn't really try it, because I couldn't feel the clicks
through my gloves to tell if I had done it or do it on the straights because
the way the bike was I didn't want to take a hand off the bar
passing Chris again, tripped my lap timer and I had posted a personal
best of 2' 34.24, twelve seconds quicker than the first lap, the next
two laps were in the 34's as well
was wishing someone had my
pit board somewhere, especially when I noticed Palmers just after Castletown
Corner, but hadn't organized anyone to do it, but know for next time
was using more of the road this race, sometimes not meaning to especially
through Williams Bend which is taken flat in 5th gear and holding it pinned
all through Billown Dip (if you haven't watched here before I don't think
you'd be able to believe it could be done)
up to 6th as you crest the hill on the approach to Cross four ways
had a big wobble on here every lap as it was really bumpy, got passed
at this spot by Phil Gilder, whom I knew was the boy to beat for the Best
Newcomer title on his Honda
shite, lost a place so tucked
in behind him and followed
really noticed how much better
his bike was handling than mine as I did, he never seemed to be out of
shape anywhere, when my bike was shaking its head and tiring me out
Got to Ballabeg for about the 5th time and saw Ryan Farquhar come from
the Colby direction and buggered off like a scalded cat
had obviously overshot, but kept my head down and was still consistently
doing 2' 34 and 2' 35 laps
I didn't know it at the time,
but I was pulling a huge gap on the riders behind
would have
known this had my pit board been out, but carried on regardless
every lap the Boys at Castletown Corner were waving like hell and I decided
I would return the favour on the last lap
crossing the line
Farquhar was touring and knew he was going to pull in and I went past
him thinking I had jumped up another place, not really the way you want
to, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Gilder had pulled
away from me by this time and I was having a pretty lonely ride, all the
while checking my lap timer to know if I was losing concentration
damn handy piece of kit that. But was riding well within my limits all
the way round, didn't want to have a scary moment and shit myself, but
was still circulating it the 34's only just over a second away from the
ton up barrier
had the bike instilled a bit more confidence
I would have pushed on a bit
but priority was to get to the
finish. Got to be said I was wondering when the last lap flag was going
to come out as I had expected it for the last two laps and there was no
sign. Damn pit board again
its really hard to count laps when
your racing
eventually went over the line and there it was,
so one more lap to go
rounding Ballakeighan for the
last time saw a back marker ahead and knew I wouldn't get him in time
before the Iron Gate, and was worrying that he might hold me up longer
than I wanted
when we got there I was right up his chuff
and made a move on him around the outside over the bridge into Ballanorris
Corner Decided on not doing the invitation Championship Race and declined their kind offer, as its not much fun trying to stay with the big bikes on a 600 and so decided to call it a day and save my tyres (last set) and keep the bike mileage down for Jurby South Road Races on Saturday have to have a bigger bike for these Open events and a 1000cc GSXR Suzuki seems the way to go, so might be selling my No2 bike to get one, but lets get the other events out of the way first. Had a bit of a BBQ whilst we changed the bike to what I thought what be Jurby Road set up, different gearing etc and checked it all and gave it a good clean and then packed everything into the van. Watched the last race will Chris, and one of our main sponsors Sean Beattie of S. Beattie Decorators, who has sponsored us for the past two seasons and it was a belter, was asked by so many people why I wasn't doing it, and would have done had I had a bigger bike, they had said they had only stayed for the last race to watch me, which I thought was pretty flattering. All in all, a good week, gained valuable experience, and a few of the lads said that the TT course is a lot less taxing than the Southern, and is like a Billiard table compared to it, so I'm glad I've done it needed the road miles if nothing else. Stayed down South and get pretty drunk with the Team at the presentation and a good night was had by all, was even up on stage twice meself to collect my 3rd place trophy and £80 winnings!! Spotted Birthday Boy Ian 'Lucky' Lougher staggering up the road gone midnight, well pissed and so he deserved to be, 6 wins and a 2nd . I reckon the most underrated rider there is, and I don't know how people think it, cos he's won everything everywhere! Seriously fast boy and absolutely top bloke. Next up for me is Jurby Road on Saturday, and then not much else, a little bit worried that the bike hasn't done enough miles to warrant a rebuild, but will be due for one after practise week at the Manx GP so don't really know what to do about that So, tune in next time for another very exciting, beer money winning episode of Tommy Clucas Racing. |
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