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Headed up to Jurby on me Bugsy Malone as I had none other than the Fastest Boy In The East (aka Juan 'Faster than Fast' Kinnish) spannering for me today, and he was meeting me up there. The Wad couldn't make it for this one as he had another one of these fishing comps on, and it was a biggie the equivalent of his TT he called it Was again sharing the Awning of Stu Bainborough, and tipped up in the Paddock at about 9-30 am, with the bacon and eggs, and met Stu and his Dad, John, and helped set it up like most Awnings, a pain the arse to put up, but once you've had one, you wouldn't be without it. And at least we had it up before it started to rain The forecast was not good, and it had given heavy rain for the afternoon, but it felt like it could be one of those days when it dried then rained, then dried again I much prefer it to be one way or the other cos all this changing wheels malarkey is another pain in the arse I had entered 3 races today, both the 1300 Open Centre Championship and the 600cc Race. Stuey only had the one race which was the all new Clubman's race, for Clubman License holder's only, the Andreas Club had done a sterling job of convincing the ACU to allow this to happen I've always thought it was a bad idea that the first real road racing experience that newcomer's have is flying down Bray Hill at the Manx Grand Prix. Had both bikes scrutinneered, fuelled and all the other little jobs done before Juan tipped up (Slaxey Boy) Then took Stephen 'Cargo' Carr (complete with fluorescent red hair and green beard) who was making his Jurby road debut from Ireland, for a couple of laps of the course in Keith MacKay's Jalopy eerr, I mean Racing Vauxhall Cavalier showed him what I thought was the best lines and 'traps' were anyway Had another problem with lack of Marshall's, which wasn't a surprise as it was a crap day, it had started to rain and looked a bit bleak, also the depth of the field was a surprise as I thought that there would have been a few more, especially for the Clubman's event as there was only seven rider's entered, and only four in the 400/125 class couldn't understand it the thought of being let loose on an closed road would certainly appeal to me, as it does, but I think a few of them must have looked out of the window and saw the rain and went back to bed again Discussed the tyre issue with both Juan and Stu, and as Stu was out first, and it was still spitting with rain, decided to change tyres to Intermediates, so while Stuey got ready for his 3 lap Newcomer's tour behind the travelling Marshall, me and Joo changed his wheels, then changed them on my 600 and as I don't have enough spare wheels for the Suzuki GSXR1000, changed the wheels on that to full wets, would really have preferred Intermediates, but too late now and the 'no choice' helped decide the issue Went out on my 600 Yamaha for my first practise and was first out behind the Travelling Marshall who was on one of the brand new Honda CBR600's and very nice it looked too it was pissing down, and he was going pretty quickly he had the back end stepping out over the Pillbox Section, and when I took a look behind there was starting to be a bit of a gap opening up I reckon he should have joined in the racing! After a lap and a half the Marshal pulled in and let us loose and I hit the front, I had dropped the ride height a huge amount to make it more stable and it was evident that it was too much because the bike steered really slow on all the tight corners, was hounded all the way round by Paul 'Big H' Hunt, so after about 3 laps, waved him through to follow him for a change, but he started to pull away from me mad bastard. Pulled in and Juan set about raising the ride height back up another 5mm. Had
been thinking of not using the Suzuki and was only going to if it was
either piss wet through or completely dry, and if it was the other scenario
of 'pretty dodgy' I would use the 600 with its intermediate tyres fitted.
But as I had just been out and it was 'piss wet' I took the big Gixer
Thou out forra few laps in my second (and last) practise. Noticed straight
away that the gamble I had taken on the gearing was way out as it was
revving out in top only half way down the huge straight, so I had to roll
the throttle, not good, I would lose loads of time doing this come the
it had 186mph indicated on the clock, but as the gearing
wasn't right it would have read higher than it was actually doing. Was thinking of not going out in the 600 race, as the was no points or owt up for grabs, so couldn't really see the point in doing it, and I wouldn't be using this particular bike in the TT so concentrating on the Gixer only, would be another good plan but Juan, Pete and co talked me into it. Never had time to watch Stuey in the Clubman's race, which was his first ever road race, and the first race he's ever had in the wet and he took a start to finish victory I was made up for him I've been out with him on the open road and he can certainly ride a bike, I think I've got more faith in him than he has himself, but that should do his confidence the world of good a good ol boy, and no mistake He had the most impressive ride of the day for me as it went relatively unnoticed that his race time from his race would have bagged him 4th in the first Championship Race I rest my case. Went
out in the 600 race and toured round to the start line, it was still damp
in most places, but there was a few areas that were completely dry, so
Inters was the way to go
again on the front row for this one,
and didn't get a very good start, but was soon up to third, behind Big
'H' and Mike Crellin who got a flier
H got past him into Ballavarran
Corner and I had to sit and wait, but managed to pass him on the anchors
into Jurby West Corner
Didn't see H till I got to the
huge straight, and he had already pulled a good 10 second lead, so I wasn't
going to catch him, so settled down in my second spot and did my own thing
got a signal at Ballavarran the next lap round by the Marshal, indicating
that I had a huge gap on the guys behind
so that was handy
as Chris wasn't swinging out my Last race of the day was the second 1300 Open Championship event, and decided on using the 600 again on hindsight though, it was dry enough for Super Corsa's and on the warm up lap, thought that I should be on the Suzuki, which would have given me more of a chance to run right at the pointy end but I was gonna ride me own race Got my worst start of the day in this one and was behind, Carswell who was leading Big H, Nige, Derran Slous who got a good start on Tim Sharpe's 900 Kawasaki and a couple of others, but made my way up to fourth on the brakes into Ballavarran Tailed Nige Beattie up through the Pill Box on his R1 and got past him when he bogged it down at Jurby West Corner and that was pretty much the last I saw of anybody although I caught sight of H and Gary on the long Straight, but we were at either ends of it, so settled down and had a nice and steady ride to 3rd place no moments again in this one and as it was drying the lap times were coming down and I had a best of 2' 26 Gary had set the fastest lap at 2' 21.4, Big H had done sommat like a 2' 21 as well which is around the 600 lap record and the conditions were far from ideal, got to say the big bugger rode extremely well so hats off to him would have stayed with them for sure had I been on the Gixer 1000, but I was happy enough with 3rd nice and steady rides to set me up for the TT although I'll have to go considerably faster than I had today roll the throttle in the TT, and somebody will be coming past me. So not too shabby two 2nd's and a 3rd 22 points to add to my Centre Championship total, makes up a little for the bad start I've had this year Next up for me is the TT next week, where I'll be riding the Ex TAS Suzuki in the 1000 Production event, and in the 600 Production, I'm riding a 2003 Yamaha R6 for Andy Wright at Pro Set Racing so that should keep me busy enough I'm No 33 in both events, so give me a wave I'm looking to beat my Personal Best, which officially is 113.69mph, but unofficially it should have been more like the 116mph mark, so beat that and I'll be happy but the big target is 118mph which I think I could manage if everything is right for me, so fingers crossed. Got to get the Suzuki back to Production spec, by taking the exhaust off etc and putting the standard stuff back on its gonna sound shite with all these quiet bikes whispering around, but it should be a larf none the same Wish I'd ordered some dukes of hazard type air horns now Har Har. So tune in next time for another very exciting, hopefully dry, wheelie popping, I'm a TT rider, me, episode of Tommy Clucas Racing.
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